General Rules
- No use of vulgarities. If you really cannot help yourself, censor them with asterisks (*). Racial slurs are also not allowed.
- No spamming, no posting of repetitive/duplicated blog posts or articles or comments.
- Sensitive/controversial topics like racism, misogyny, religion, terrorism, one's political views, etc. are not allowed.
- Do not upload any content (videos, images etc.) which contains gore, nudity, violence or pornography. Infringing of copyright material is also strictly prohibited.
- Fanarts and fanfictions are also prohibited. However, you can still link them on your profile page.
- Strictly no vandalism of articles or another user's profile page.
- If you do not agree with another person's opinion, or you find an action/comment done by a user as offensive, do not argue back, report to an admin to help you deal with that person.
- No sockpuppetry or additional accounts which are used for mischief.
- Do not create a discussion or blog post which has little to no relations to Spy X Family. Mentioning them is alright, but creating them as the sole purpose of the discussion/blog post is not allowed.