Spy x Family Wiki
Spy x Family Wiki

Short Mission 1 (SHORT (ショート) MISSION (ミッション) : 1, Shōto Misshon: 1?) is an extra chapter of the SPY x FAMILY manga, written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo. It was released on November 4, 2019.[1]


Anya eats both peanuts

Anya eats both peanuts

At the Forger home, Anya is playing with her stuffed animals: Director Chimera and the new Penguin she got from the aquarium. They introduce each other as Director Chimera welcomes Penguin to their secret agency, "P2." Director Chimera instructs Anya to bring the offering, which is a peanut. They split it so they can each eat half of it to show that Penguin is officially a member. Since they are stuffed animals, they cannot eat, so Anya eats both halves. Director Chimera welcomes Penguin as "Agent Penguinman" and instructs Anya to give him a tour of the secret lair.

Anya starts by taking him to the living room, which she calls the control room, saying it is where she gets intel from watching cartoons on television. She introduces Loid as "Agent Papa," an elite agent who can do anything, and Yor as "Agent Mama," who is good at fighting but not much else. She tells Penguinman that they are her best operatives. She continues the tour by showing him the bathroom, saying it is where you heal your injuries from fighting. Then she shows him her bedroom, where she does her homework.

Anya approaches her parents bedroom

Anya approaches her parents' bedroom

Finally, she brings him to the most secret place, her parents' room. She tells him that he needs to brace himself since he will not leave alive after seeing the secrets it holds. Before she can open the door, Loid grabs her and sternly tells her she is not allowed to go there without permission. Anya begins to cry, and Loid claims that it is for her protection, which Yor agrees with. Although, really, both just want to hide the tools for their secret jobs.

Anya goes on a mission with her parents

Anya takes her parents on a mission to the candy store

Anya tells them that she hates them and is going to run away. Loid fears for the fate of Operation Strix, so he picks up her Penguin toy and starts speaking for him. As the Penguin, he tells her that for the sake of world peace, she needs to stop crying. He tells her they could go on a mission, which Yor, now playing along by holding a robot, agrees to. Anya instructs them to follow her because bad guys have infiltrated the candy shop on Second Street. They follow her with the penguin and robot toys, which garners the attention of several onlookers. Loid looks upset because, as a spy, he does not want to attract attention. Loid and Yor buy Anya a treat from the shop, which makes her happy again, relieving Loid of his stress.




