Spy x Family Wiki
Spy x Family Wiki

MISSION AND FAMILY / THE ELEGANT BONDMAN / THE HEART OF A CHILD / WAKING UP (MISSION: 28 任務と家族 / 華麗なるボンドマン / 子ども心 / 目覚まし, MISSION: 28 Ninmu to Kazoku / Kareinaru Bondoman / Kodomo Kokoro / Mezamashi?) is the twenty-eighth episode of the SPY x FAMILY TV anime series and the third episode of the second season.



Yuri is doing great at his job with the Secret Police. His assignment today is to investigate a former newspaper reporter suspected of selling articles slandering Ostania to Westalis.


Anya's favorite cartoon hero Bondman shows off his elegant spy moves!![1]



Captured by Yuri

Yuri lets no suspect escape

After monitoring an illegal deal, Yuri and his captain successfully catch and arrest everyone involved, not letting a single man escape. Not long afterward, Yuri receives a new assignment: investigate Franklin Perkin, a former newspaper reporter now writing articles slandering Ostania that are being released in Westalis, and stop his work from influencing public opinion. Despite voluntarily overworking himself, Yuri happily accepts. Yuri surveys Franklin without leaving behind any details of his life in his reports. The lieutenant is impressed but tries to persuade Yuri to let someone take over as he has pulled two all-nighters in a row. After making Yuri visibly twitch in response to words that sounds similar to Yor, he tells Yuri to rest. Yuri hears Franklin leaving his home, so he and the lieutenant shadow him.

They observe Franklin looking for things to write about. Franklin interrupts a group of boys playing, throwing a boy's toy pistol in the trash and taking pictures of them digging it out. When the boys confront Franklin, he intimidates them, which angers Yuri. While surveilling Franklin writing his latest article, Yuri hears a conversation between the man and his father, in which Franklin expresses frustration in wanting to make the country a better place for them to live in and needing money just to get by. Franklin's statement gets to Yuri, who briefly writes his inner thoughts aloud that Franklin is motivated by concern for his family before ripping out the report and crumpling it.

Yuri and other SSS agents arrest Franklin

Yuri and the SSS arrest Franklin

Yuri realizes that Franklin contacts his publishers at his workplace, the post office, by slipping his manuscripts into the mail. Although Franklin appears hesitant to send it, he goes through with it, sealing his fate. Four days later, Yuri and other SSS agents arrive outside Franklin's home, waiting to arrest the man. Franklin accepts his situation and heads outside to meet with the officers. Franklin expresses appreciation for them waiting outside, and Yuri tells him there was no reason for his family to witness his arrest while he places handcuffs on him. Franklin then asks him which of the two is truly pathetic, the one fighting against tyranny, or the one serving as its lapdog. Yuri responds that he would never do anything to cause his sister pain. As Franklin gets escorted away, Yuri says he will apply for his father to receive financial assistance, and Franklin thanks him.

At headquarters, Yuri's boss pats him on the back, saying he is proud of him. When asked about how he is doing in his new job, Yuri states that this is the job for him and declares to one day catch Twilight. Later, Yuri drops by the Forgers' home with Loid, Yor, and Anya at home. When Yor asks if something is wrong, Yuri says he simply wants to see her face. Anya reads Yuri's mind and pats him. Yor also pats Yuri on the head and praises him, deciding to make some tea for everyone. Yuri is overjoyed and happily shouts for Yor, embarrassing her and giving Anya heartburn.


Bondman and his lovers

Bondman with his all of his love interests

In the latest episode of Spy Wars, Bondman is on a mission with his partner Agent M, who proclaims her love for him as they make their getaway. Later, Bondman and M encounter an enemy spy who threatens to kill him. Bondman resolves this by ending the conflict between their countries, allowing him and the woman to be together. From the daughter of a nuclear scientist, a terrorist's girlfriend, head of an evil organization, and even his landlord, Bondman continues picking up more and more love interests. Eventually, all the women become angry and demand that Bondman choose one of them, but Bondman refuses. As a result, he is brutally beaten by the women, who consequently leave him. Bondman muses to himself that as a spy, danger comes with the territory. Anya, watching this episode, comments that this must be one of those lovey-dovey shows that she can talk about with Becky. Loid tells her to stop, confused and disgusted with Bondman's womanizing behavior.


Anya wants to ride the electric panda

Anya tells Loid she wants to go on the animal ride

In a post-credits scene, the Forgers are on the rooftop of the department store. Anya sees large electric plush animals to ride on and tells Loid she wants to ride the panda one. Loid, in his endless thoughts, thinks about how pointless they are, but when Anya starts crying, and at Yor's suggestion, Loid lets her ride the animal. When Anya says she wants to ride it again, Loid thinks about how he cannot understand children.

Later, Anya sees people at the ocean on TV and says she wants to go there. Loid compromises by taking her to the pool. While Anya is initially having fun, she hears the thoughts of other kids peeing in the pool, to her shock and disgust. At home, Anya says she never wants to go to the pool again, and Loid is once again confused.


Loid tries to wake up Anya

Loid tries to wake up Anya

In another post-credits scene, at Cecile Hall's boys' dormitory, Ewen and Emile wake up for morning muster. Remembering how Damian overslept, they go to wake him, but Damian is already awake, having woken up an hour ago to study. He says that the last time was a fluke, which impresses his friends. Contrary to this, at the Forger home, Loid desperately tries to wake Anya up so she will not miss the bus and be tardy, worried that she will get a Tonitrus Bolt if she gets too many. However, Anya is too asleep to get up, and she ends up being tardy.


Conrad Anime Infobox
Vincent Anime Portrait
voice debut
Sonia Anime Portrait
voice debut
Joseph Anime Infobox
Agent M Anime Portrait
tv debut
Enemy Spy Anime Portrait
tv debut
Gina Anime Portrait
tv debut

Anime Notes[]

  • The episode adapts Short Mission 7 much earlier than it originally did in the manga.
  • Yuri narrates his entire report on Franklin from the beginning of his surveillance to his arrest. The only time Yuri does not narrate is when he thinks about Franklin's motivation.
  • The anime changes Franklin's postal office uniform logo to a "P."
  • In the anime, Yuri has his gloves on when he is talking with his boss.
  • When the Forgers greet Yuri, Bond does not appear unlike in the manga.
  • There appear to be two versions of the first half of the "THE HEART OF A CHILD" segment. In one version that is also in the first BD&DVD volume of Season 2, Anya asks to go on a panda (like in the original bonus comic). The other version, which is the one that is available for streaming and dubbed to other languages, is a polar bear. Loid and Anya's dialogues are even changed to match with the animal.
  • During the "HEART OF A CHILD" segments, the Forgers' outfits are changed from the manga.
    • At the department store:
      • Anya originally wore a pink dress and a straw hat with a ribbon. The anime recolors her clothes to have Anya wear a red top and dark brown skirt with a red hat. A brown coat is also added to her outfit.
      • Loid originally wore his usual light green suit and black hat. The anime changes his outfit to a brown jacket on top of a blue sweater under a collared shirt, and the hat is changed to beige.
      • Yor originally wore a red dress with large, white polka dots. The anime changes her outfit to her usual beige coat.
    • At the pool:
      • Anya originally wore a black one-piece swimsuit with dark pink stripes and a dark pink swimming cap. The anime recolors the swimsuit to light blue with white stripes and a yellow swimming cap.
      • Loid originally did not wear a shirt, but he is given a light blue long-sleeved collared shirt in the anime. After the family leaves the pool, Loid is shown wearing a blue collared shirt and a beige hat, which the anime changes to just the blue sweater under a collared shirt.
      • Yor's outfit stays mostly the same, a striped red and white top and black legwear with her pink headband, the only change being that Yor's top is changed from a crop top to a tank top.
  • Anime-exclusive content:
    • When Yuri arrests Conrad, the man attempts to put up more resistance, drawing his gun at Yuri and telling him to move before getting pinned down.
    • During Yuri's observation of Franklin, scenes of Franklin going to the market and returning home are added.
    • While Franklin watches the news and Berlint in Love, dialogue of these shows are added.
      • The news report mentions Frigis, which is one of the settings of SPY x FAMILY CODE: White. In the English dub, it is indicated as Frejis.
    • The anime gives a closer look at the Perkins' family photos, showing an infant Franklin and his mother.
  • This is the first episode in the English dub of Season 2 that features Bryn Apprill as the voice of Anya instead of Megan Shipman. Megan had taken a maternity leave starting late October; thus, Bryn replaced her.


Episode Previews[]




