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Mission 65 (MISSION (ミッション) : 65, Misshon: 65?) is the sixty-fifth chapter of the SPY x FAMILY manga, written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo. It was released on July 25, 2022.[1]


At the Forger home, Yor prepares to head out for some shopping and asks Anya if there is anything she wants. Anya asks for some tea cakes Henry Henderson gave her, but she cannot remember the name, so Yor promises to find them, along with an "amazing cake" that Anya says that Damian promised her. On her way out, Yor thinks about how nice it is that Anya and Damian are getting along and how bad she felt after Anya had punched him.

Panicked Yor runs away from her neighbors

Yor's panicked escape from her neighbors

Exiting the building, Yor runs into the neighborhood ladies. Thinking that the women should know the best bakeries in the city, she attempts to ask them but runs away instead, fearing that a normal mother should already know and she would be reported to the SSS. Walking through the city, Yor gets discouraged at being unable to act normal, but motivates herself to keep working for the sake of her job. She decides to go to a department store, believing they would have the best cakes.

Yor saves Melinda from falling

Yor saves the woman from falling

As Yor nervously walks around the store, an employee tries selling her some eyeliner for some "piercing eyes," but she gets intimidated and asks where the bakery is. After receiving directions, Yor heads down to the next floor, where she sees a woman holding lots of boxes falling down the stairs. Yor swiftly catches the woman and the boxes, and, amazed by Yor's movements and skills, the woman asks Yor to join her for something, offering her the cakes in the boxes as a token of her gratitude. Yor feels grateful for the offer but declines. The woman and her butler insist, and so Yor is taken to a sports hall and dressed up in a gym uniform. The woman, Melinda, reveals that she brought Yor as a ringer for her women's volleyball team.

The ladies are part of an organization called the Lady Patriots Society, where they partake in all sorts of community activities, including this all-mothers volleyball game. Yor is asked to help the team win and agrees after hearing that playing volleyball is normal. After revealing that she has no experience playing volleyball, Melinda gives Yor a rundown of the rules. Due to Yor's lack of experience playing with a team, she tries playing the game by herself and ends up breaking several rules. Melinda tells Yor to relax and enjoy herself, as she just wants to have fun together. Yor plays properly with the team and have fun, but not without her forgetting to hold back a few times.

Melinda Desmond Manga Infobox

Melinda introduces herself

After the game, the mothers go out to have tea and cakes together and talk about how much they enjoyed the game, despite losing. Melinda hopes Yor will come over again to join them for other activities, which Yor promises to, saying there is so much that she wants to learn from them and will not waste this opportunity. A mother then mentions her son receiving a Tonitrus Bolt. Surprised by the mention, Yor reveals that her daughter also attends Eden Academy and is in first grade. Melinda is more surprised to hear this as she realizes who Yor is, then formally introduces herself as Melinda Desmond.


Nola Manga Infobox


  • This is the first appearance of Melinda Desmond, Donovan Desmond's wife, though her status in relation to him is not introduced here.


