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Spy x Family Wiki

Mission 58 (MISSION (ミッション) : 58, Misshon: 58?) is the fifty-eighth chapter of the SPY x FAMILY manga, written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo. It was released in two parts, the first of which was released on December 27, 2021[1] and the second was released on January 10, 2022.[2]


Part 1[]

Bond pounces Franky

Bond pounces at Franky

Bond lunges at Franky and bites his cloth-covered arm. At the park, Loid is training Bond to immobilize targets without fatally wounding them. As Franky yells at Bond for biting him, Bond inadvertently lets go of his arm. Loid scolds Bond for releasing the target and muses that Bond is too kind to bark and bite. Loid decides to move on to scent work and explosives detection, but Bond looks forlorn upon hearing him, to Loid's concern. Franky suggests that the training is reminding Bond of his bad memories at Project Apple. He tells Loid to make the training fun for Bond and leaves. Accepting his suggestion, Loid takes Bond out on a walk through the streets.

While walking, Bond sees a vision of a boy dropping his ice cream and crying. He looks around and spots the same boy holding the ice cream and makes a plan to prevent the fall of his ice cream, receiving Loid's praise. He runs forward and tries to stop the boy from tripping to the confusion of Loid and the boys, who think he is trying to steal the ice cream. Bond's actions end up causing the boy's ice cream to fall, leaving the child in tears. Loid apologizes and buys him a new one with three scoops.

Bond once again receives a vision of an old man being struck by a bicycle. He quickly runs over to the man and pulls him by the coat, angering him but saving him. Loid angrily scolds Bond for biting strangers and is confused at Bond's actions despite his lack of disciplinary problems. Bond has another vision but chooses to ignore it after imagining an angry Loid sending him back to the pound.

Bond snaps from Loid’s belt

Bond gnaws off Loid’s leash and runs into the burning building

Suddenly, Bond foresees an apartment in flames as a woman cries out for her 'Daisy.' Using his nose, he is able to pinpoint where the apartment is and tries running toward it. Loid initially holds him back but relents when Bond loudly barks at him. They arrive at the apartment, where Loid asks if anyone is still inside. Meanwhile, the onlookers gossip that it is arson. Recalling his vision, Bond gnaws off his leash and runs into the building, with Loid following behind. In the building, Loid calls out for Bond, looking for him. He sees a burning piece of debris about to fall onto Bond and quickly kicks it away. To his surprise, Bond has picked up a small pug that was left behind, wearing a collar with the name 'Daisy.' They try to leave the building, but a flaming pile of rubble falls and blocks the way out. Seeing their troubling situation, Bond begins to panic.

Part 2[]

Loid quickly makes a plan to make their escape through the fire escape on the north side. Before Loid can make his move, Bond gets a vision and nudges him, trying to stop him. Suddenly, the floor in front of them collapses. Loid is shocked and thanks Bond for saving him. Loid mistakenly believes it was Bond's nose that was able to detect the collapse, unaware of his powers of foresight. Seeing the amount of smoke, Loid uses a plastic bag to make a crude oxygen tank, allowing them to cross the areas with smoke and puts Daisy in a backpack.

Loid sees Bond's wet form

Loid sees Bond's wet form

The two jump out of the second-floor window and remove Daisy from the backpack. A nearby old man is amazed by their efforts to save Daisy. They realize Bond is on fire and quickly douse him with a bucket of water. With his fur wet, Bond's body is revealed to be skinny, and Loid has to stifle his laughter, to Bond's embarrassment. Suddenly, Bond catches a scent and tries to shake off the water before running off.

Behind a corner, a man dressed in black enjoys the sight of the burning apartment, visibly excited as the woman, Miss Bennett, cries out for Daisy. Bond quickly runs at him and bites his leg. Panicked, the man grabs a knife out of his bag, with numerous fire accelerants and incendiary devices falling out in the process. Seeing this, Loid easily deduces that the man is the culprit responsible for the recent arsons in the area. Before the arsonist can hurt Bond, Loid quickly immobilizes him and ties him up with a cord, deciding to let the police handle him.

Loid tells Bond he's a Forger

Loid tells Bond to think of himself as a Forger

Outside the apartment, Ms. Bennett happily reunites with Daisy, hugging her. Bond smiles at the sight of the happy owner and dog. The old man informs the woman of her saviors, but Loid decides to leave discretely to avoid attention. He pats Bond and praises him for his actions. Bond thinks Loid will scold him for biting the man's legs instead of the arms like he was taught, but Loid reminds him to be careful as his family will worry about him and apologizes for trying to train Bond so hard. Bond happily nuzzles up against Loid, which embarrasses him. As they return home, Loid plans for them to go to the dog park the next day and wonders why Bond's bark changes when he is wet.


Scientists Manga Infobox
Daisy Manga Infobox
Old Man Manga Infobox
Anya Forger Portrait
Yor Forger Portrait


  • This is the first chapter to be released in two parts. In the volume release, both parts were combined to be a full chapter.
  • Tatsuya Endo posted a draft of the chapter on Twitter.[3]



