Spy x Family Wiki
Spy x Family Wiki

Mission 50 (MISSION (ミッション) : 50, Misshon: 50?) is the fiftieth chapter of the SPY x FAMILY manga, written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo. It was released on July 26, 2021.[1]


During an early morning in Berlint, Franky complains about having to pet-sit Bond. However, after encountering a woman with her puppy at the park, Franky proposes that Bond become his dog.

Loid reflects on his inability to understand Anya on the ship

Loid remembers Anya's behavior

On Princess Lorelei, Twilight is out on the deck and reflects on how he failed to understand Anya's behavior the previous night. Twilight accepts that he is not the perfect spy he thought he was, realizing there are still things unfamiliar to him. Although he is a spy, he fears the unknown but will overcome it. And as the second day of the trip begins, he plans to overcome the challenge of understanding Anya.

Inside, Matthew McMahon informs Heymann and Vides that they will no longer be entertaining the Greys, saying they had a blowup the other night and are not in the mood to do anything. He assures the men that it is not their fault and tells them to take the day off to enjoy themselves.

Anya tries to distract Loid

Anya tries to distract Loid via miniature golf

Loid and Anya walk around the ship together, where Loid tries to observe, analyze, and adapt to Anya's actions. As for Anya, she imagines that Loid will be shocked if he hears about Yor fighting people if she tells him her plan, so she schemes to ditch him to help her mother on her own.

Anya starts with miniature golf, but Loid quickly gets a hole-in-one on every hole. Anya is shocked and tries it for herself, but ends up spending half the day trying to get the ball in. Throughout the rest of the day, Anya tries distracting Loid with more activities but gets herself too absorbed in every one of them. While this happens, Loid continues to observe Anya.

At dinnertime, Anya grimaces as she eats, in disbelief over forgetting Yor and instead enjoying herself. Meanwhile, Loid wonders why Anya looks upset after having fun all day. He worries that Anya hates him and is in a rebellious phase, so he asks if she is okay. Anya realizes she is worrying Loid and says she is enjoying herself but wishes Yor could be with them. Loid agrees and tells Anya that he can ask if Yor has time to meet tomorrow by sending a message through the concierge. He then says there will be fireworks after dinner and asks Anya if she wants to see them, adding that they might find Yor there. Hearing this, an excited Anya agrees to go.

Matthew receives a transmission

Matthew receives a transmission

Standing by a radio, Matthew receives a transmission and calls Olka Gretcher's room. Yor answers the phone and informs the others that they got the all-ready signal from the ship at the rendezvous. While it will be in four hours, Yor tells the group to prepare and change into their disguises. Elsewhere, the Assassin Leader contacts the informant, who has intercepted the transmission. He deduces it to be from Olka's allies, so the leader makes an order to get their team into position for an ambush. After seeing that the coast is clear, Yor, Olka, Gram, and Zeb head out.




