SPY x FAMILY Timeline
Timeline of events in SPY x FAMILY.
]] This is not a definitive timeline. Aside from dates clearly stated in the manga, parts of the timeline are speculative, and past events are placed in approximate times.
- 1 Timeline
- 1.1 Before the First East-West War
- 1.2 First East-West War
- 1.3 Between the Wars
- 1.4 Second East-West War
- 1.5 After the Second East-West War
- 1.6 Operation Strix Phase 1
- 1.7 Operation Strix Phase 2
- 2 References
Testing Page
- 1 Barbara Authen
- 2 Appearance
- 3 Personality
- 4 History
- 5 Synopsis
- 5.1 Term Finals Arc
- 6 Relationships
- 6.1 Sigmund Authen
- 7 Chapter Appearances
- 8 Trivia
- 10 References
- 11 Navigation
(by Anya)
|Gender = Female
|Age =
|Height =
|Weight =
|Birthday =
|Hair Color = White
|Eye Color =
|Blood Type =
|Affiliation = Ostania
|Occupation =
|Status = Active
|Family = Sigmund (Husband)
Unnamed Son
|Other = Forger Family (Neighbors)
|Manga Debut = Chapter 90
|Anime Debut =
|Japanese VA =
|English VA =
is an elderly woman who is the wife of Sigmund Authen and the Forger family's new neighbor. Loid helps her with the moving boxes while her husband was missing.
Barbara is a short, elderly woman with her hair in a bun, abo…
Can Demetrius be... a problem teen?
After the Red Circus hijacking ended, the main plot freeze in place again and the operation Strix is practically not moving anywhere. So, I started to reread the manga in order to remember what it was originally about. When I reached the long-awaited meeting of Twilight and Donovan Desmond in chapter 38, it suddenly dawned on me during their conversation about children. When Loid told Don about his difficult relationship with Anya and that even though she is his offshoot and being her father, she must obey him, it does not always work that way and sometimes he does not think at all whether it is possible to manage her. Donovan suddenly "opened up" from his speech and admitted that their children are like strangers who cannot be understood …
The Imperial Scholars and the Garden
Okaaay, while the output of the chapters has not returned to normal and we are stuck in Anya's middle school life, I wanted to speak out about the innovations. Or rather, about a long-forgotten old, but extremely intriguing detail: How do you think the Imperial Scholars will finally appear and under what circumstances? Does it make sense that their faces are hidden (like the faces of other members of the Garden)? I'm not hinting at anything, but even the faces of some diplomats and ministers were shown, Loid's old friends, even the faces of Anya's scientists and Donovan himself were spoilered to us from the first chapter. But the Imperials and the Garden are apparently something special for Endo. Something that he is delaying for shown as …
How I got to arrive here ✈️🧳🙋🏽♀️💒
@Amiee120! She’s actually my friend and she lives on my street. I rang her once, and she couldn’t come to hang out at the park with me. I told her I AM SO BORED! And she asked me, “Do you like Spy X Family, then?” I mean- I do, so I said, “Yes. Why?” And she actually told me that this wiki would suit me, because I love the anime. Then she told me about the friend group, SpyNerds. She told me that she and a person, named @Natsumaru, started it, and currently I joined the SpyNerds and now friends with @Natsumaru, though I don’t know anyone else. Anyway, I said goodbye to her and ran back home, and got onto my phone and typed in “Spy x Family wiki”, got this website result, and violá(I’m not Spanish so I don’t know how to spell it properly)! …
What I like about Spy x Family:
It’s pretty obvious that I really, REALLY like Anya. I even made like, 2 pictures of her and is willing to make more. But it’s not only Anya I like about Spy x Family. Of course, her funny, cute etc. moments, there’s something else in mind. The concept, animation, they’re all good. Name alliteration, Tatsuya Endo being a little too lazy for details about people ( watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNmjyw_v7r0 ) and many more! Yes, Spy x Family is definitely the best anime I’ve ever watched.
Lack of characters?
I think that Spy x Family has a lot less characters than other animes, because it tends to just focus on the Forger family and their surroundings. Do you think this is a good thing, because we see more character development, or is it bad because we don't see enough variety? Please tell me below.
I'm doing this not just for the badge, but because it's something I really have on my mind
My excitement for the Tennis Arc is kind of making watching the rest of the second cour pretty hard. I'm enjoying the Doggy Crisis Arc, but I know the Midterms Arc is going to be hard to get through, as I find Anya's school life to be one of my least favorite aspects of the series, as we don't get a lot of the main three interacting. Damian is an alright enough character, but I can't stand Anya's friend, to the point where I don't even use her name, she's just Anya's Friend to me. I also just really want to see Fiona show up in the anime, because I love how she plays off the main three.
SPY X FAMILY: OST played in each episode in the anime + timestamps
Here is a list of the released, original soundtrack (OST) played in each episode in the anime so far with their timestamps.
Note: Timestamps may vary depending on the platform / where you use to watch the anime.
Note 2: Some of the timestamps don’t have an OST name / ??? as they are new / haven't been released yet.
If there is anything incorrect, please let me know!
Made by PrueShy
- 1 Where to listen
- 1.1 Spotify
- 1.2 Apple Music
- 2 Season 1: Cours 1
- 2.2 E2 - SECURE A WIFE
- 2.10 E10 - THE GR…
Manga/Anime Recommendations?
Are there any known manga that are similar to Spy x Family? If so, could anyone inform me? Thanks in advance.